You've got questions, we have answers!
Is sugar paste same as cold wax or sugar wax?
NO! Sugaring paste will be water soluble, meaning you can clean off the residue from your skin with just plain water. Water won't cut it for any product that contains resins, like wax does. Sugar wax or cold wax means a resin (chemical ingredient) mixed with some natural ingredients used for sugaring hair removal. In this case, you no longer have a true sugaring product. With the combined wax and sugar product, companies employ sly marketing tricks to make you think you have tried "sugaring" or gain the benefits, when you really have not.
For a bikini, we’ll clean up just the sides and top of your bikini line, anything that would show while wearing a bathing suit.
A Brazilian is the removal of all pubic hair, although if you like, we can leave a strip of hair.
What's the difference between bikini and brazilian?
I'm pregnant, can i still get a Brazilian done?
YES Absolutely! Body Sugaring is an all natural gentle process and the product is all natural too. We have clients coming in up to their due date! We have you covered!
Can i have sugaring treatment even if i have a period?
Please try to avoid timing your appointments with your cycle, as you may be more sensitive at this time.
When you should avoid getting sugared?
Sugaring should be avoided in areas that are being treated with any topical retinoid product such as Retin-A, Differin, Tazorac, Avage or even over the counter Retinol... (check your labels ladies!)
Those who have experienced a recent sunburn or a recent outbreak of any skin rash should avoid getting sugared to avoid unnecessary irritation until the skin has healed.
How long should my hair be?
No need to shave between treatments and no need to let your hair grow, grow, grow. The Barenaked technique requires only 1/16" (2mm) of hair growth for treatments eliminating the long wait between salon visits and customer frustration.
Is your sugar paste 100% hygenic?
Our Sugarists never re-use the sugar paste and always wear gloves. Sugar paste is always discarded after each client is treated.
Another great benefit to using Sugar Paste is that bacteria does not breed in high concentrates of sugar eliminating the possibility of cross contamination. No double dipping ever happens. The sugar that is used is for you and you only.
Do i need to take pain medication before the treatment?
If you tend to be pain sensitive, taking a pain medication 30 minutes prior to your appointment will help ease any discomfort you may feel and will make you more relaxed.
Will my hair stop growing?
Yes, however this is something that will take time depending on each individual. You will first notice your hair come in finer and lighter in color. Next you will notice patches of hair not growing back, and the frequency of growth slows down considerably. Eventually your hair will stop growing, you will no longer need to worry about unwanted hair removal.
What is your 24hr Rule?
After your treatment, for the duration of 24 hrs., we ask that you stay clear of the following things. SEX, SWIMMING, GYM, HOT TUBS or BATHS, on treated areas. After you sugared, your follicles are open, and closing up over the next 24 hrs. is very important to keep the skin clean and free from anything that could irritate it.
I am under 18, can i get sugared?
Yes you can! We ask that you bring a parent or guardian with you and then we will happily sugar you!
I have red spots after the treatment, should i be worried?
No. Tiny red spots may appear on the skin for a few hours, or even a day or so in some cases. If this should happen, do not be alarmed. This is just an indication that the hairs have been removed from the follicle and it is quite normal after a treatment. They will disappear. Remember that we are all different. In very rare cases, a reaction can be an individual form of how your body responds to sugaring.

Apply a cold compress to the area if your skin is sensitive after treatment.
Be mindful to keep the freshly sugared area CLEAN.
Avoid sugaring if you have used any skin products such as chemical peels.
Give yourself 4 weeks before you start sugaring.
Don’t do excessive activity immediately after sugaring.
Don’t apply lotions, gels or creams same day to the area treated to avoid irritation.
Do exfoliate to prevent ingrown hairs.
Exfoliating between appointments makes ALL the difference.
Avoid extreme heat such as sunbathing, sauna, steam rooms for 24 hrs. after sugaring.
Avoid intimacy for 24 hours after sugaring.
Don’t wear tight clothing afterwards –
Yes, don't forget you need to let the skin breath.